Thank you for your interest in William Greaves Productions. If you have feedback about the website, you can use this contact form, and we look forward to hearing from you. To help us keep track of emails, please make your subject heading as specific as possible. If you’ve noticed any errors (broken links, inaccurate information, etc.), let us know and we will make corrections.
This website wouldn’t have been possible without the help of many people. Below the contact form you will find an acknowledgment of their contributions.
contact us
Major thanks go to:
—Sorat Tungakisiri at Princeton University, who created the basic structure and handled most of the technical aspects of the website, and Fernanda Parrado for her additional technical work on it.
—Michael Jorgensen, who was the primary assistant in doing research, writing, compilation and organization of materials.
—Scott MacDonald, one of the co-editors of the forthcoming book on Greaves, who generously provided numerous texts and good advice.
Thanks to those who helped us find, or supplied us with, texts, photos and videos, and to those who provided additional technical, intellectual or moral support:
Robert Anthony; Besma Arnaout; Gregg Biermann; Linda Burchill; Michelle Duster; Matt Hysell; Louis Massiah; Jenni Olson; Cathy Nan Quinlan; Keith Sanborn; Bill Seery at The Standby Program; Ben Shapiro; Yvonne Welbon; Steve Guy at California Newsreel; Seth Mitter at Canyon Cinema; Liz Helfgott, Keenan Novi and Julie Sussman at Criterion; Jonathan Miller and Livia Bloom Ingram at Icarus Films; Sandra Schulberg, Cameron Haffner and Matt Hoffman at IndieCollect; Jacklyn K. Sweet, Fia Backström, Joe Marciniak, Rick Pilaro, Steve Rife and Nicholas Sharpe at Princeton University; and Shola Lynch at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Thanks to those who wrote primary texts for us:
Joan C. Hawkins, Scott MacDonald, JJ Murphy, Alex Pittman, Jacqueline Najuma Stewart, Amy Taubin, and Joseph Underwood
And thank you for the financial support!
The Scribe Video Center acted as our fiscal sponsor so that donations for the site would be tax-deductible.
We are very grateful for major financial support from Stanley and Marcia Nelson at Firelight Media and from the Lewis Center for the Arts at Princeton University.
And also grateful for the additional financial support from Alexia Chororos; Caryn Cline; Thomas Allen Harris; Louis Massiah; Leona McElevene; Lynne Sachs; and Emiko Sakakihiro
Sincerely yours,
Louise Greaves and Su Friedrich